Reed Relay Switching Methods Explained

This video provides a brief explanation of what hot and cold switching is when using reed relays and the effects different switching methods can have on relay life expectancy.

One simple method to greatly reduce the damaging effects of hot switching, and greatly increase the expected number of operations, is to cold switch the signal. Cold switching can increase a reed relays life expectancy to more than ten billion operations.

The video also goes into detail about capacitive inrush, as this is another common reason for early relay failures, which can easily be avoided/resolved.

If you found this video helpful / interesting please take a look at our other useful videos which can be found here.

Looking for additional information on reed relay technology? Pickering has published a concise technical guide to reed relays which covers:

  • A short explanation on what magnetic interaction is and how to steer clear of it
  • How temperature can affect reed relays
  • What reed switch contact damage is and how to avoid it
  • The different ways to switch reed relays, including ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ switching
  • Why a diode should be placed across a relay coil
  • The benefits of a SoftCenter™ construction and formerless coil winding

To view or download your free copy click here.

Reed Relay Selection Made Simple

Our Reed Relay Selector Tool will help you narrow down our large offering by filtering by coil voltage, switching current, contact configuration, and many more specifications. Once you narrow your selections down you can view the datasheet for more information, purchase in-stock items, or request a quote to find out lead times of made to order relays.

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