The Role of Reed Relays in High-Performance EV Motorsport Vehicle Development

The development of an electric motorsport car, or any EV for that matter, is not without its challenges, a major one of which is that batteries, power inverters, motors, and cabling all need to be optimised for size, weight and power (SWaP). All store or carry high and potentially lethal voltages, that need to be monitored.

Also, contactors used to switch electrical power must often accommodate high inrush currents. These occur when switching a high voltage into a capacitive load (or one in which the impedance is predominantly capacitive). Pre-charge circuits are essential for applications with capacitive loads as current spikes of thousands of Amperes can easily damage system components and cause contactors to weld closed.

An example of a pre-charge circuit diagram

Inductive loads, such as motors, present another type of problem in that it is the act of removing the high voltage (i.e., opening the contactor) that produces a high current, increasing the duration and energy of the arc the contactor must break.

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Download the full guide now to learn more about utilizing reed relays in Electric Motorsport applications.

Contents of the application guide:

  • An Introduction to Electric Motorsport
  • R&D and Test
  • Why Reed Relays
  • Reed Relay Terminology
  • Recommended Products
  • Why Pickering Electronics for Reed Relays
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EV Motorsport Application Guide

EV Motorsport Application Guide